Saturday, July 13, 2013

Oh Buttons!

   So I'm always saying I should hang onto this because someday I might need it, or I may make something out of it or it might be worth something some day, yada, yada.... Well this time I actually did use it. I saved a Mason jar full of vintage buttons with the idea that maybe I could use them for scrap booking, plus they just looked kind of cool in the jar. That was about ten years ago, so better late than never. 
   A couple weeks ago I purchased a couple of old pictures at an auction for just $3.00. Bidding on these pictures meant I had to take the whole lot of miscellaneous pictures and frames along with it. I really thought I would just bring them home and throw them away, even though the hoarder in me always says no. Of course when I got home I decided to save them because that's what I do. Today, Cori and I decided to make good use of the frames, buttons and our precious mother~daughter time. So here's how it went...

First step was to gather supplies; Buttons, frames, glue gun, daughter....
We laid out the buttons for a practice run before using the glue. We decided to do an "L" for our initials, but I think next time maybe a heart would be fun.


We painted the frames a flat black. Mostly because that was what we had in the garage, but we liked it too.

And the finished product looks so cute! The photos do not do them justice. I plan to hang the first one in my mudroom and Cori is hanging the other in her room. I should also remind you that these cost me $0.00 to make!


  1. Love this! I saw something like it on Pinterest, but wasn't sure how hard it would be. Great job!

  2. Beautiful!! Did these cone from Dads auction? All the more special If they did!

  3. Thank you! Yes they did come from his auction, Melanie!

  4. And Penny it wasn't hard to do at all!

  5. You need a Pin button, so we all can share this on Pinterest. I didn't realize it had been this long since I've checked in. I will start checking more often now that the kids are back in school. I love the finished project.
