Any of you that know me very well, or have read in my blog, may know that I have a particular fondness for my old kitchen cabinets. I have been determined to save these cabinets throughout the remodel. I had a plan to scrape, sand, paint, add new hardware and repair any damage the best I could. That was the plan...
However with all that we have put the kitchen though at this point many factors are effecting the decision to keep or replace the cabinets. Since the cabinets are built onto the wall, we cannot remove them, this has been an issue on more than one occasion. Without going into all the many details, the list on cons keeps growing, clearly outweighing the pros of keeping the cabinets.
We have old floor damage under the sink that we cannot properly repair without removing the cabinets. We also cannot insulate the wall behind the cabinets and the bottom cabinets are like refrigerators in the winter. We have issues with hanging drywall around them and the removal and replacing of the roof caused them to pull away from the wall (a problem we cannot resolve).
As much as I want to preserve the character they bring to the kitchen, I also do not want to compromise the integrity of our work. So as sad as it makes me and aside from the expense, I do know that I will love all the good things new cabinets will bring. Not to mention Cameron is thrilled (he did NOT want to keep the old cabinets as he has a fondness for all things new.) I will need to mention this will extend the time we can finish due to expense, so if it annoys you that we are taking so long to finish the remodel...prepare to be really annoyed.
It is actually encouraging that it is taking you a while as we are probably going to be gradually remodeling our house over the next twenty + years. It will be done about the time we are ready to move into the nursing home.
ReplyDeleteCatherine, we have been working on it for almost ten years. We figure what's another ten when you've come this far? I do hope you get some rest before going to that nursing home.