Thursday, April 26, 2012

Old utility room & kitchen floor.
   We've taken some time to organize tools and sort through the remaining supplies we have in the garage. It's back to a functional work space...temporarily anyway. Now that we are able to work on things at our leisure we've been able to work on a plan with no pressure. Each day Tony does a little more to the house, even if it's just for a few hours. 
   He removed many layers today from half the kitchen floor to find the hardwood underneath to be in great condition. We knew it was there, but we were not expecting it to be this nice. If you look past all the age and wear you can see the potential. Hopefully the rest of the floor will come off smoothly and look just as nice, because this changes the plan from painting the floor to refinishing it if all goes well.
   Of course each day we still come up with a new expense involved which will prolong completing it even more. On a positive note, it will give me a reason to keep blogging about it.

1 comment:

  1. We are remodeling our house, but we hired a contractor to do it. I am so excited that we are getting insulation! The girls will sleep in warm bedrooms this winter for the first time in their lives.
